How Do We Ensure This Corruption Never Happens Again?

How Do We Ensure This Corruption Never Happens Again?

How do we ensure this corruption never happens again Patriots? Well the decision today that came down from the Supreme Court on Trump’s tax returns could be ushering in a huge Q proof that will end a lot of this corruption. The Supreme Court blocked the House Dems from getting his tax returns and also opened the door for Congress to now ask Supreme Court Justices for their own tax returns. What happens if all of Congress, Senators, House members ect. are audited every 1-2 years by an outside agency? Transparency establishes trust with the people once again.

We will also be covering how Ghilaine Maxwell is further tied to the Clinton’s on a little dig, the “Squad’s” Breathe Act and the rest of the news from around the world on the latest episode of Woke Societies!

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